Saturday, May 21, 2011


Alright here goes my first post....
After packing and heading to the airport we realized it was going to be a nightmare traveling with enough luggage for 3 months, especially since Ella had about as much as Brian and I combined.  We flew from Arizona to Chicago (3 hrs.), Chicago to London (8 hrs.) and London to Prauge (2 hrs.).  Luckily for us Ella slept on every flight almost the whole time.  
Once in Prauge we were told we could take the train and get to our hotel/school, we quickly decided with a stroller, 4 roller suitcases and 3 bags it would be worth it to take a taxi.  2 hours and $1700 ck (about $100 USD) later we made it.  We are actually in Celakovice, it a small little country town I think about 20 miles outside of Prauge.  Really 31 km, I am still getting used to everything being in the metric system and not being able to communicate with anyone.
So our first trip to the grocery store was better than expected besides the fact that you have to pay for a shopping cart, luckily we took the stroller.  There aren't a lot of choices and I've decided food storage must be nonexistent here.  There is only one line that takes a credit card and if you want bags to carry home your items you have to bring them yourself.  Once again glad we had the stroller, and luckily it's a short walk.  
Overall everything is going great besides the fact that we are still adjusting to the time change.